Retail Career Guide

Retail is a dynamic industry where students and grads from a variety of backgrounds can hatch a successful career. Use this guide to learn more about the industry, or to learn how to hatch a student or entry-level Retail job.

Considering a career in Retail?

Retail is a dynamic industry for students and grads interested in hatching a fast-paced, exciting career. The industry encompasses many different sectors, so there are many career options available to accommodate any personality or disposition. With numerous career paths, this is a great industry to hatch and grow your career in.

Key skills:

  • Personable
  • Team-oriented
  • Effective communication
  • Relationship building skills
Average Starting Salaries: Retail
Pro Tip
"Students make the mistake of thinking that retail is a stepping stone. They don’t think about it as a business operation…. they need to think macro – what happens beyond those 4 walls.”
